Moses Cone Manor House Roof Repair & Replacement
Flat Top Manor was constructed during the turn of the century and completed in 1901. It is a significant element of the Moses Cone Estate and featured on the National Register of Historic Places. Atriax Building Solutions removed the old metal-coated flat roof and replaced it with a new Structodeck-EPDM roof. Work was conducted in compliance with the Organic Act of 1916, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation. The project involved removal of the existing damaged roof, damaged roof sheeting, rafters, fascia and soffit together with portions of the built-in gutter system. Replacement of these component parts had to include the re-installation of the first-floor pedestal boxes, balusters and railing using similar materials while remaining true to the historic structure.
Key words: Construction, Condition Assessment, Design/Build, Architecture