July 4, 2011

Atriax, PLLC awarded Multiple Sustainable (LEED) Design and Construction Awards


Atriax has won multiple Sustainable (LEED) Design and Construction Awards. Winning these awards is a significant accomplishment and a testament to our company's commitment to environmentally responsible and sustainable building practices.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a widely recognized and respected green building certification program. It evaluates the sustainability and environmental performance of buildings and encourages the use of resource-efficient designs and construction methods. Achieving LEED certification requires meeting specific criteria in areas such as energy efficiency, water conservation, materials selection, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in design.

As a company, we consistently demonstrate excellence in sustainable building practices across different projects and our commitment to reducing environmental impacts, enhancing occupant comfort and health, and contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

HIRE Vets Gold Medallion Award - 2022
Dec. 31, 2022

Atriax, PLLC awarded 2022 HIRE Vets Gold Medallion

From the United States Labor Commission, the HIRE Vets Medallion Program "recognizes employers for their investmen…

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Fowler 31 Aug 06 008
Oct. 10, 2006

2006 Historic Preservation Award for Adaptive Reuse – Grover P. Fowler House

Atriax has been awarded the 2006 Historic Preservation Award for Adaptive Reuse – Grover P. Fowler House. Adaptive reuse is a critical aspect of preserving historic buildings and incorporating them into contemporary contexts, and it's heartening to see recognition for such efforts.

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Nov. 18, 2007

Atriax, PLLC awarded the 2007 Hickory Landmarks Society Restoration Award – Small Business Category

Atriax PLLC for being awarded the Hickory Landmarks Society Restoration Award in the Small Business Category. The award is recognition of their outstanding efforts and dedication to restoring historical landmarks in the Hickory area.

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